Why 2022 may be the best year for entrepreneurs

By Manar Al Hinai    

At the beginning of every year, I start my countdown to March. The third month of the year holds a special place in my heart, not because it is my birth month, but rather it marks the beginning of spring and an end to winter.

The last two years have been like winter. Hospitality, retail and many other businesses pivoted to serve their customers safely in light of Covid-19 restrictions. Many entrepreneurs, myself included, locked ourselves in our homes, waiting for the pandemic storm to pass from behind our computer screens. Some entrepreneurs put their businesses in hibernation mode until they figured out what steps to take next. Others shed the unnecessary burdens and bad decisions they had carried for years. The pandemic is not over yet, and we are in the same place we have been for two years—waiting for spring.

Sometimes it seems that the first mountain wildflowers are opening, only for cool winds to return and the skies to darken again. Spring remains just out of reach.

But this pandemic does have a silver lining. Although challenging on a personal and a business level, the pandemic forced me to evaluate many of the business decisions I took in the past years. The time spent away from my colleagues, friends and loved ones allowed me to reflect on my business journey, and more importantly, revisit my vision—that spark of passion that instigated my venture into entrepreneurship, and what drives me to make a difference through my work every day.

The lesson I learned these past two years is that having a clear vision will not only help direct the way I conduct my business, it could also help me get through my darkest hours. Often confused with the inspiration behind a business, a vision is the goal towards which you strive. It is communicated through your business ethos, in the way you serve your customers, and the way you approach challenges and realise your goals. 

Although I have always had the same vision for my business, with time I had strayed from it. I had been conducting my business a bit differently and did not feel the drive I once had. However, the extra time I had during the pandemic helped me get back on track, it reminded me of the reason for everything I do. 

Though we cannot predict what the future holds, 2022 may be the best year for entrepreneurs. We have had two years of practice collectively navigating unexpected circumstances. It may be the first time in history that businesses and people are all going through similar challenges at the same time. There has never been an easier time to work remotely, or have digital access to events and knowledge from the comfort of our mobile devices. 

As we wait for spring and life to come into full bloom again, reflect back on the challenges you faced, the way you pivoted, and how you can take all that and apply it towards the year ahead. Have a clear vision for your business. Towards what goal do you continue to strive? The one that drives you every single day? We have gone through difficulties, but having the right vision and learning from the past two years can help plan the best future for our businesses. 

Photo: Padraic A Spencer / Twenty20

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